Happy Earth Day fellow citizens! We are, without a doubt, on the finest planet in the solar system — and as far as we can tell – the entire galaxy. Every time I experience a sweet breeze, or a chilled out turtle, or a bird with a song, it lifts my spirits. With extreme weather […]
How to Shop for a Vehicle in a Hurricane
In 2017, Hurricanes Harvey and Irma swamped Houston and Florida with record amounts of rainfall and storm surges. Fuel prices jumped and shortages ensued. People panicked. Fear not! You can do something to help stop the madness. In 2016, twenty-eight percent of U.S. greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions was from transportation [https://www.epa.gov/greenvehicles/fast-facts-transportation-greenhouse-gas-emissions]. With fewer greenhouse gases, […]
The Future is Cleaner Than You Think
If you look, it’s not hard to see pollution on the roads every day. Cars and trucks are huge sources of what’s called mobile pollution. Vehicle exhaust produced 31% of US’s CO2 emissions in 2014. Every day, ozone and particle pollution affect the health and longevity of millions of people in the US, not to […]
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