Generally speaking, there are low-information people and high-information people. Low-information customers trust their vendors as authorities on a subject and tend to not ask a lot of questions. They don’t see themselves as partners in solving the problem. They are true consumers. High-information users may also have that trust, but they tend to ask more questions. They want to discuss details that they don’t understand, or aren’t sure have been considered. They tend to behave like partners in the solution, making sure that their service provider has thought of everything that can be thought of.
Sitting on the other side of the table are the low-information service providers who are accustomed to handling things on their own without having to answer many questions. When they interact with a high-information consumer, there tends to be stress in the relationship – often on both sides.
If you’re catering to low-info people: stating your credentials, good reviews and time in business is generally good enough. If you’re catering to high-information people: the above is helpful, but also expect to address their questions with detailed responses, progress on check points, and a running list of concerns that you’ve addressed.