The 2008 Sorensen Gala was held in honor of Senator John Warner in Washington DC this past spring.  It was attended by current and past Virginia governors and senators, including Governors Mark Warner and Tim Kaine. The event honored Senator Warner’s service to the Commonwealth over the past several decades. Of special note: All of the living governors of Virginia were in attendance.

It also raised awareness for the Sorensen Institute for Political Leadership at the University of Virginia. The Sorensen Institute is a non-profit organization that provides non-partisan training and is dedicated to “improving political leadership in Virginia thereby strengthening the quality of governance at all levels of government.”

The project was a continuation of the branding legacy we established for Sorensen over the past several years through a suite of interrelated projects. It’s fresh but traditional. It’s institutional but not stilted. It’s rich but not gilded.

The full campaign to increase attendance at the Gala also consisted of a Save The Date Card and an Invitation with three ways to register – phone, mail and online form. The Program you see below is a variation of the design theme of the 2007 Program. We incorporated enough differences to the look from the previous year to give 2008 its own character while building a more expansive rendering of the brand.

Sorensen Institute 2008 Gala Program

With each new project, we look for opportunities to build on our past work by adding more facets to the brand. For instance, the web-based Reservation and Donation Tool we added in 2008 broadcasted Sorensen’s image from an additional venue. Functionally, it allowed the attendees and donors to submit their information online, saving time for Sorensen staff and event attendees. Click for more info about Sorensen.